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-6/22-I am now trying to keep constantly updating the news section. A lot has been accomplished in the past couple months and quite a lot in the past few days. 7 of the 12 sections of the site are open too and should probably be 8 or 9 by tomorrow.

-6/21-It has been a long time since I have updated the site news. But don't worry, that doesn't mean that I haven't updated anything since then, because I have. I finished the WX Arcade and it has 48 games. I also finished the WX Sports, and also updated WX Videos with the new sidebar.

-6/5-WelticomX is working through the beta stages and I can see it soon becoming a site. Today I finished the WX Homepage, WX iPod, WX Site News, and WX Videos. More is soon to come and I can see the site opening in less than 2 weeks. Who knows, I will just have to wait and see what happens

-6/4-Today WelticomX has made some serious strides. The WX Museum has been completed with 4 sites for you to roam around. Also there have been some work done on WX iPod and WX Sports

-6/3-More work has been done on the museum and iPod today, soon they will both open! There is a lot I still need to accomplish, but I can see the opening day coming soon enough. I am also sorry that I haven't posted any news for awhile. I will continue to try to keep it updated every day

-5/28-YAY! WelticomX isn't completely open yet, but we're making huge progress. WXiPod has now opened it's doors and so has WXVideos! This is also the first entry in WXSiteNews, so that means this is new too. More new stuff is opening every day, so watch out and be prepared for new, cool experiences right at your fingertips




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